Men’s Health Week

The week leading up to Father’s Day, June 10-16, is National Men’s Health Awareness Week.  It is a time to focus on getting and/or keeping yourself or the man in your life healthy.  Weight-related diseases are a growing cause of men’s health issues. 

What kinds of health problems are linked to excess weight?

·         type 2 diabetes

·         high blood pressure

·         heart disease and strokes

·         certain types of cancer

·         sleep apnea

·         osteoarthritis

·         fatty liver disease

·         kidney disease

The table and graph below illustrate the significant increase of overweight males in the 35-44 years category.

Overweight(*BMI greater than or equal to 25.0)male adults 20-74 years, age-adjusted**          
United States, selected years 1999-2002 through 2007-2010 1999-2002 2001-2004 2003-2006 2005-2008 2007-2010
20-34 years 57.4 59.0 61.6 60.5 61.1
35-44 years 70.5 72.9 75.2 78.8 80.2
45-54 years 75.7 78.5 78.5 76.8 76.8
55-64 years 75.4 77.3 79.7 80.5 79.8
65-74 years 76.2 76.1 78.0 79.1 77.5
75 years and over 67.4 66.8 65.8 70.8 73.2

*Body mass index (BMI) equals weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. 
(Source CDC:  Data are based on measured height, without shoes, and weight of a sample of the civilian non-institutionalized population.)
**Age-adjusted to the year 2000 standard population using five age groups:20-34 years, 35-44 years, 45-54 years, 55-64 years, and 65 years and over


Closely linked to weight issues, is lack of physical activity.  Recommendations from the CDC are as follows:



Aerobic Activity



Muscle Strengthening



Moderate Intensity

2 hours,30 minutes


All major muscle groups

2 or more days


Vigorous Intensity

1 hour, 15 minutes


All major muscle groups

2 or more days


Combined Intensity

Up to 2 hours,30 minutes


All major muscle groups

2 or more days


Proper nutrition also plays an important part in maintaining a healthy weight.  Here are the guidelines for the average adult daily 2000 calorie intake:

·         6 ounces of whole grains,

·         2 and ½ cups of vegetables,

·         2 cups fruit,

·         3 cups low fat dairy, and

·         5 and ½ ounces of lean protein

With diligent efforts to keep active and eat properly any man can optimize his chances for good health.