A Little Girl was Given Lemons and She Made Lemonade-You Can Too

We have all heard: “If life gives you lemons make lemonade”.

Nothing could be sourer than a child with cancer, but a beautiful brave little girl, Alexandra Scott, fought back by literally making lemonade.  For four years, little Alex supported by her family sold lemonade yearly from a stand in their front yard.  Her first stand raised $2000 to benefit childhood cancer research, but within 4 short years the movement had spread and raised nearly $1 million.

national lemonade days
Alex's lemonade stand

The official charity is “Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation”

and June 6 through June 8, 2014 will be this year’s

National Lemonade Days.

Childhood Cancer – Some Unsettling Statistics

263,000 cases of childhood cancer worldwide Each year there are close to 263,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed in children under 20 worldwide, that averages to 720 per day.  Annual deaths caused by the disease are nearly 91,250, averaging 250 per day.
1 in 300 children will have cancer

In the United States approximately 1 in 300 boys and 1 in 333 girls will be diagnosed with cancer before age 20. It is the number 1 cause of death by disease in children under age 15.

cancer rates in adloscents rising

With the exception of the over 65 group, adolescent and young adult age groups are experiencing the highest increase in cancer rates.

childhood cancer research

Less than 5% of annual government funds for cancer research are earmarked for childhood cancers.

Charity in Action

ale'x lemonade stand foundation

Since 2006, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation has awarded more than 450 grants for childhood cancer research.  If you would like to be part of the cure, maybe even sponsor your own stand at your medical facility, you can get all the information and inspiration you need here.

cancer websites

For sources on childhood cancer facts:




