A Letter to Santa from a Medical Biller

Thanksgiving has passed and most of us feel as stuffed as the turkey that was on our table.  Malls far and wide have hailed the arrival of Santa. Our banks accounts are approaching $0 as our credit card balances rise exponentially. 

Yes that time of year is upon us, when lots of children scurry furiously around the house to find paper and pencil, pen or crayon so they can begin their “Dear Santa” wish list. From the younger ones, there may be dolls and cars, bikes and trains, toy ovens and baseball mitts on those lists. As the authors’ ages increase, the technology certainly must begin to creep in: video games, cellular phones, and maybe even tablet computers (kids are growing up so fast these days).

As I was surrounded by the spirit of the season, the smell of pine trees and baked goods, my mind wandered to this idea, if a medical biller wrote their wish list to Santa, what would be on that list?

Medical biller wish list


Well if your wish list has some or all of these things, you don’t need Santa Claus, just Santa Ernie

and Iridium Suite Practice Management Software.

santa claus ernie

Iridium Suite has:

Iridium suiteA built in ICD-9 to ICD-10 crosswalk

Iridium suiteCan be configured to import from numerous EMR systems via our Connectivity Clearinghouse

Iridium suiteUtilizes electronic data interchange functions for claims submission, ERA retrieval and auto-adjudication, and real-time eligibility.